N-Zilla...Loveable and Destructive was my very first post here (I must have a bit of nostalgia tonight). I still feel like I am going through all of "this" alone. Sometimes.
Since N-Zilla...Loveable and Destructive, I have been able to get my fears and ramblings on paper (computer)
which gives me a clear head when dealing with "real life" situations and decisions when dealing with N-Zilla.
I thank this blog for bringing Mr.S (N-Zilla's dad aka my husband) more into the light with N-Zilla, Sensory Processing Disorder and the Autism Spectrum.
We have had such a great few months, almost afraid to blog about the past few weeks with N-Zilla. (
I am also thankful for this blog for bringing me closer to my family and friends and letting them in my life a little when it comes to N-Zilla. I have had so much understanding. N-Zilla's God Mother and B.A Martin have been freak'n awesome.
So maybe I am not so alone in this thing after all.