

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good-bye Chicken Sandwiches I will miss you.

Good-bye Chicken Sandwiches I will miss you.

I'll get straight to the point...I will never take my kids to chick-fil-a AGAIN. At least and especially the one on FM 78.  

Of course I believe in human rights.  I don't believe marriage should ONLY be between a consenting man and women but for PEOPLE of opposite or same sex. And yes...I've eaten at Chick Fil A before, during, and after the whole traditional VS non-traditional marriage thing.  Why you ask? Well because I like chicken sandwiches.  And there are (in my opinion) issues that are very important and I have no idea where the places where I shop, eat, and play stand on them.  AND I love (loved) the play area.  Chick Fil A does cater to families…from the sanitizer wipes to the mini cups of cheerios . 

These things are not why I am not eating at Chick-Fil-A…I will not be going to Chick-Fil-A because…wait for it….the parents that go there are pricks.  So not being a prick I will not be going and subjecting my children to the off-spring of pricks.

The last few visits there have been horrible.  Dealing with ogling men and  helicopter parents; I can’t take it anymore. 

As if I was in a bar I had to ask some man what he was staring at and give my gangster hands.  You know the gangster hands right?  You throw both your hands up giving the body language that you’re a bad ass and something (hypothetically) is about to go down.  Yeah…I did that, because as sad as I am about getting older and fatter I don’t appreciate my breast being stared at. 
Then there was the straw that broke the camel’s toes back.  You guessed it. Ass-hole parents.   The past several times I’ve taken N-Zilla and the baby to Chick-fil-A it has not been too pleasant.  Everybody’s kids are perfect. Right (sarcasm)
If it’s not a mother saying, “Excuse me is that your son, ‘cause he is staring at my son”. Or some kid telling The Baby she can’t go down the slide. The baby smacks the kid of course.  Then I get another, “Excuse me is that your daughter, ‘cause she just hit my kid”.  OR when it gets to loud in play area and N-Zilla covers his ears and either cries, yells, spits, or rolls in a ball (or all four at once) I get dirty looks from parents.  I never once pull the special needs card.  NEVER. 
Yesterday a grown man talked to N-Zilla as if he were a grown man.  “Hey you let her through”.  The boy was relaxing in the tunnel and four for goodness sakes.  N-Zilla started to cry. 
I couldn’t even say anything to the man.  Not even gangster hands would have made a difference.  Why?  Because he was a prick and anything that I had to say was a waste of his time.  Also, I had had it. I had with the horrible experiences with the freak’n play area. I had it with perverted men.  I had it with people treating N-Zilla different. 
Also,  I wasn’t about to flip shit in a play area at Chick-Fil-A.  Anything I said probably would have not made any sense because I would have taken every bad experience we have ever had at restaurants and play areas and taken out on this jerk of a man.  I would more than likely have started crying.  I tend to do that.  I Cry out of anger.  Just ask my husband.  It wouldn’t benefit me or N-Zilla at all.  So I took my anger, the kids,and got the hell out of Chick-Fil-A and with that Chick-Fil-A on FM 78 lost a costumer.

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