Team N-Zilla
Like all our children, we are very proud of our Enso. He has taught all of us so much. Wednesday and Zen are great and I would like to say because of Enso they have more patients then the average pre teen/teen. And We all have a better sense of humor.
Enso has also educated us. Before we had Enso Autism was foreign bad word. Now being parents with a child on the spectrum we know a few things: 1) Autism isn’t a death sentence. Early intervention has helped us so much. 2) 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys are on the Autism Spectrum. 3). Autism, well having similarities…it’s not a one size fits all disorder.
This year we are Walking For Autism with Any Baby Can. Any Baby can ( non-profit organization that is a great resource for families and their children with special needs. They have helped us and this year we want to give back. Join Team N-Zilla and Walk with us or Donate. Go to to join or donate. It’s a great cause and a great way to educate. With statistics like 1-88 chances are you know or love someone on the spectrum.
Thank you
Ramon and Adee